Thursday, June 25, 2009

ANALYSIS OF THE SERQUAL influence customer satisfaction

In face of emulation which progressively kompentitif, Supermaket Persada selfservice claimed to shift its business orientation from oriented profit become oriented satisfaction. By giving satisfying service to consumer will many obtained advantage. As for the advantage for example: reaction of to producer have low expense; benefit of economic retention cutomer of versus perpetual prospecting; cumulative value of relationship have continuation; energy persuasi of mounth of worth; reduce price sensitivitas; and satisfaction of cutomer as indicator successfulness of business future. To service institute satisfaction of visible cutomer quality of service covering: Evidence Physical (Tangible), Mainstay (Reliability), Energy Listen Carefully (Responsiveness), Guarantee (Assurance) and Caring (Empathy).

Serqual dimension (Service Quality) which is told by Tjiptono (1999) in the journal AbdulKadir (2003:52) of this research entitle “ Analysis Effect of Serqual On to Customer Satisfaction of Supermaket Persada Dinoyo Malang”. Variety this research is descriptife, the respondent a prepared of sample in this examination a much as 100 respondent, taked from population of customer to shop in supermaket persada. While for the data analysis is use analysis of doubled linear, test by simultaneously (F test), partialy test (T test), and clasic assumption test.

Result from this research is serqual dimension that consist of physical evidence (tangible), mainstay (reliability), attitude listen carefully (responsiveness), guarantee (assurance), and caring (emphaty) have effect either through simultaneosly and also partially.the a value coefficient determination (R2) equal to 0.533 or 53,3%, and mainstay (reliability) that represent dominant variable to customer satisfaction knowed a value of Standartdizet Coofisien Beta (Β) hat highest is equal 0.295 and t count hat highest is equal to 3.584 with agrade significant 0.001 ≤ 0.05.


Expectation of customer and application of marketing mix constitute strategy in effort of increasing customer satisfaction, this effort is done by the various kind of business field, one of them is department store. The objectives of this research are: 1) To know and analyze expectation of customer and application of marketing mix influence to customer satisfaction in Persada Department Store Dinoyo Malang. 2) To analyze which variable has dominant effect to customer satisfaction in Persada Department Store Dinoyo Malang.

The result of the research, variable of customer satisfaction which consists of (self need, recommendation, experience in the past) and application of marketing mix retail which consists of (product, price, location, promotion, atmosphere in the store, service) can influence customer satisfaction in Persada Department Store Dinoyo Malang, with value (significance F <>

Persada Department Store Dinoyo Malang has to defend and increase physical attribute or atmosphere from the store and surrounding influence consumer perception about retailer, the indicators are: cleanliness of the store, arrangement of goods, lighting. Variable of service gives meaning that PERSADA Department Store Dinoyo Malang needs to defend service and increase quality of service to the customers. Because the variable dominantly influence is variable of service with the value 0,865 or 86,50%, so PERSADA Department Store Dinoyo Malang has to strive for developing the quality of service. To develop quality of service can be done with five dimension of service quality, that is: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.